Lessons Of Our History

Hard Talk
Hard Talk
Tough Love
  • Tough Love

    Tough Love

    Nov 26, 2023 • 11:27

    Post election tribunal discussions about what’s next for Nigerians and how best to start preparing for “Next” in view of the fact that many are still not ready for change.

  • Let's call A spade, A Spade, Shall We ?

    Let's call A spade, A Spade, Shall We ?

    Nov 26, 2023 • 9:44

    Another look into activities in Nigeria that ought to be brought to light and not swept away. We spewak to council man Elvis Nwosu to give his take on things.

  • Truth and Reconciliation

    Truth and Reconciliation

    Nov 27, 2023 • 11:21

    This episode visits the bitter truth that the nation faces in view of change, pushing us to question many leadership decisions by the government and advocate for a reconciliation of facts.